[2020/05]大地皇冠-神索 2018遇上椰子鱼咖喱,美味无比…

|5月 2nd, 2020|专业酒评, 大地皇冠|

大地皇冠-神索 2018遇上椰子鱼咖喱,美味无比… 转自michaelolivier.co.za 我必须承认,我非常喜欢神索。我父亲的一半葡萄园种植在神索,又名赫米塔格或赫米蒂克。 […]

大地皇冠-保罗雨果干红葡萄酒2012 & 保罗雨果白葡萄酒2014 专业酒评

|7月 30th, 2016|专业酒评, 大地皇冠, 最新资讯, 葡萄酒资讯|

The de Villiers family of Landskroon could probably trace their winemaking ancestry back to the beginnings of time. Certainly since the three de Villiers brothers arrived in Cape Town Harbour on 6th May 1689, it was not too long before they put their craft into practice. […]
